FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
We can ship to other countries. If your country is not possible to select when ordering, please contact us at info@baltagauja.eu for individual shipping oportunity. Please note that for returns, the buyer is responsible for the return and shipping costs.
Yes, it is possible. But only in Lithuania.
Yes, you can return and exchange unsuitable or unsatisfactory goods in accordance with the rules applicable in the Republic of Lithuania.
Yes, they are different. The raincoats are thinly lined and suitable for all seasons, while the winter overalls are warmer and suitable for cold weather.
Most suits are designed to fit either a sire or a bitch. The bitches have a fully enclosed tummy.
Call or email us and tell the weight, the length of the back from the shoulder to the base of the raised tail, the girth across the chest, the breed of the puppy (if you know it) and we’ll help you.